Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thing #8 RSS

Two of the things that I did learn was what RSS meant,Really Simple Syndication, and that the little symbols that I had seen means that they have subscribe to updated information from the web. I thought Bloglines and Google Reader were very similar. I already had accounts with both so I used Bloglines to subscribe to the information that I wanted daily. I think that it will be good for me personally as I will not have to go through so many sources to get the news that I want, but the only way that I think that I could use it with students is just the suggestion that they could set up their own feeds.

1 comment:

mmw said...

I think that's a great idea. The Gale and Ebsco databases both have a feature that will allow you to subscribe to an RSS feed of articles that are posted on a topic. This would be great for year-long research projects.